Movement and Strength Training Foundations Online Classes

Movement and Strength Training Foundations Online Classes

Back when COVID started in March and I stopped working with my personal training clients in person, I shifted to running Zoom movement and strength training classes for them. They ended up being a ton of fun, and my clients got to see me struggling with the exercises I’ve been asking them to do for years 😉 Karma…

The intention of these sessions is to promote balance in the body and then challenge it using body-weight strength training exercises. The sessions begin with 10 minutes meditation and breathwork, followed by a full body movement series to mobilize and prepare the body for work, and then a 3 or 4 exercise strength building circuit to promote resiliency, build strength, and vitality.

No equipment required. Sessions are for all ages and levels of fitness.

How to join

When: Tuesdays at 11am EST (Toronto time)
Sign up for a monthly “memberhsip”: $30 SIGN UP MONTHLY HERE. With the monthly membership you also get access to an archive of all past sessions to revisist your favourites whever you want.
Single class: $10: BOOK IN HERE